Peroxi-Clean is a one of a kind cleanser formulated with surfactants
to dissolve and suspend soils in water. The Oxygen triggers the surfactants and increases efficiency. A pleasant citrus odor penetrates fibers and surfaces, sending the cleaning agents deep into the soils and stains. Peroxi-Clean destroys odors while providing color-safe bleaching action. This cleanser will give you superior cleaning capabilities,
given sufficient contact time. Peroxi-Clean is formulated for optimal
performance when used at the prescribed dilutions.
Directions For Use:
Spray on surface to be cleaned and wipe off with damp cloth. Before using, make sure that the desired surface is cool to prevent early evaporation. Read MSDS and test in a small, inconspicuous area.
All dilutions must be done using cold water.
Regular Cleaning 1:32 (4 oz. per gallon)
If using a portable dilution center, connect Peroxi-Clean to portable device, fi ll container, and then fl ush system if incompatible materials will be